Thursday, January 27, 2022

Star Wars, Episode IX: Duel of the Fates: Chapter Fifteen- The Epilogue

**for previous chapters, please refer to the Table of Contents**

        A red-and-orange morning on a forested corner of Onderon. Finn rose silently, stretching himself towards the ceiling as he stood up so as to wake up just a bit quicker. Rose would be calling soon and it wouldn't do to be late. He glanced outside for a moment, pondering the gentle light of the morning and letting the Force-feel of the planet flow around and through him, drawing it consciously into his mind in small waves. It was the first exercise he'd learned from Rey. Hard to think it had already been a year since they'd started.

        Outside was the semicircle of stone-and-thatch houses that he and Rey had so recently finished, about half of them already occupied by the first new students he and Rey had spent the past two weeks picking from across the galaxy, beings of all sizes and types and each with some noticeable level of Force awareness. Today was the first day that Rey would start their basic training.

        But first, time for an update on the other goings-on in the galaxy from his girlfriend.
Finn sat down at the small worktable in his own room and activated the comm tablet he had set into the opposite wall. After a short moment, the holographic receiver activated, bringing up a 3D image of Rose, speaking (he assumed) from her own room back on Coruscant. He knew his own upper body would now be visible on her end.

        Finn smiled. "Hey!"

        Rose smiled back. "Hey, you! Listen, this is perfect timing, Poe wrote me just a few minutes ago. He says he has something big and he wants us to hear it first."

        Finn started to suspect what it must be- Poe and Lando had been hopping around half the galaxy leading the hunt for Hux and his remaining ships ever since they'd resurfanced in the Outer Rim- but kept his excitement firmly in check in case he was hoping for too much. "Let's here it then!"

        Rose nodded and her shoulder moved with a gesture. Her figure moved slightly to the side and Poe's head, helmeted and clearly inside his cockpit, rose into view alongside her.

        Poe smiled, "Aw man, is it good to see your faces again."

        Finn's smile broadened, "You too. You and Lando alright?"

        "That's why I'm calling! I actually don't have much time, you can probably tell I'm in transit, so I gotta be quick, but get this; Hux is surrendering!"

        Finn felt his jaw drop at the same time as Rose's. For a split second, neither of them could speak.

        Rose came to first, "Holy shit, that's incredible! Finally! Does Leia know?"

        Poe nodded, "Lando's in communique with her right now. We managed to hole them up groundside on Gamorr about a week ago. Enough reinforcements came in that we outnumber them at least 3 to one. Hux tried to play staredown with us for about a week, but once we brought in a few Mon Cal ships that started bombing their perimeter he came around. Or at least the rest of his officers did. He commed Lando directly an hour ago and offered to discuss terms. We're heading to the rendezvous spot now."

        Finn was now more awake than he'd felt in awhile. Finally, he thought, it all finally ends. "That's....I can hardly believe it."

        "I feel ya buddy. But it's real. And once we wrap up here I plan to take a good, long vacation on your end. Gotta run for now though, I'll send you guys another message as soon as I can!"

        And with that, Poe tapped himself out of the call.

        Finn and Rose barely had a moment to turn and look at each other excitedly before Finn sensed Rey approaching rapídly, followed by a quick knock on his door.

        "Hang on," he said to Rose before he rose up to let her in.

        "I'm so sorry, I forgot Rose was calling today!" Rey said breathlessly. "Am I too late???"

        Finn grinned, letting his jubilation carry over into the Force. "No! You just missed Poe, but we've got the best news for you. C'mon!"

        Rey followed him back to the table where Rose was still waiting.

        "Rey! How are you?"

        "Nervous. First day of training. What's the big news Finn mentioned?"

        Once more Finn and Rose exchanged glances; "Hux is surrendering! Poe just told us, he and Lando are handling negotiations now!"

        Rey's face brightened as much as Finn's must have when he heard that. "Stars! You's really over??"

        Rose nodded eagerly. "Yep. And the timing couldn't be better. Just yesterday Leia and I helped finalize an election schedule for all the Core Worlds to send delegates for a full-time Senate. Within a few standard months the transition government can finally start handing over formal duties. Some delegations have dragged their feet, but I think the First Order finally being off the board entirely could be the kick they need."

        Finn's mood brightened even further. Things were falling into place. He had found his place.

        Rose continued, "I gotta run myself, Leia and I have another day full of meetings, but I second Poe; once everything is settled we're heading your way to properly celebrate."

        Rey smiled radiantly. "I can't wait."

        "I'll call again in a few days. And hey, Rey- good luck today."

        With that, Rose ended the call.

        The sun outside had fully risen over the horizon, and the first founds of the other students gathering in the clearing were already filtering in. Rey and Finn looked at each other.


        "Yeah. Wow."

        Rey glanced towards the door, towards her first opportunity to train people who were basically strangers. Finn, she'd known, and that had made her feel a bit more at ease. This, though, felt like it would be a lot harder.

        "Hey." Finn's voice cut through her reflections. She turned back to him.

        "You're gonna be great. If you can teach this idiot," and with that, he jabbed his thumb towards himself, "you can teach anybody."

Rey had to laugh in spite of herself.

        "And you aren't alone this time. I'm here. No matter what." As he spoke, he clapped his hand on Rey's shoulder, giving it a reassurings squeeze.

        The nervousness still twisted around in her, but as always, Finn found just the right way to ease her worries. "Thanks Finn."

        She turned back towards the door and took a deep breath. "Alright. Let's get to it then."

        Stepping outside, her eyes moved over the figures assembled before her, eight in all. Two humans, a Bith, a Wookie, a Mon Cal, a Twi'Lek, even two Zabraks who had contacted her of their own accord...after Finn, her first real students. The new chance she'd been planning for, for a new Jedi order. And as of today, they had a genuine peace to fight for and protect.
Yes. As Leia had said almost a whole year ago; it was time for something new.

        "So," she began, hoping the evenness in her voice didn't betray her nerves, "For starters, thank you. Thank you for being here, and trusting me to help you find your ways in the Force. We'll start today with a simple meditation."

        With that, they each sat down slowly, forming a rough circle in the clearning. The slight chill of night was already warming away in the morning sun.  When everyone seemed settled, Rey continued, "Now, follow my lead, and focus first on your breathing. Let the Force flow gently flow with each inhale and exhale....and try to picture yourself between both the Light and the Dark sides of the Force. Imagine your body, yourself, being the balance between the two."

        "And when that image is fixed in your mind...breathe. Just breathe."

The End